Why Secrets Are So Dangerous

soberSeveral slogans and sayings get chucked around in health circles, which some people find helpful, and other people find both helpful and irritating, depending upon their mood.

One of the most common sayings, although not an actual slogan, is telling people directly or indirectly that they are as sick as their secrets.

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What is Manipulative Behaviour ?

soberThere are two questions really, what is manipulative behaviour and why is it so damaging?

Manipulation is often thought of as being something that most people do in varying degrees to get their own way, and quite often more of a game rather than something that actually harms people.

Some people would argue that manipulation of other people is a legitimate way to further their careers and that self-interest is a valid reason or excuse for pursuing it.

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How Do You Let Go of The Need to Control …..

The need to feel that you are in control of other people, and their actions, can be one of the most debilitating and draining processes in your life.

Often people have no conscious sense that they are trying to control what is going on around them, but the underlying need is often the most central one in their lives.

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What is the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 and 12?

soberThe phrase the 12 and 12 is often used in AA meetings, and refers to a book written and published by one of the co-founders, Bill Wilson, entitled the 12 steps and the 12 traditions.

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What are Alcoholics Anonymous chips?

soberThe chips that are referred to in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are in fact coin sized medallions that some people like to have as a time marker of their sobriety.

People in alcoholics anonymous are often very conscious of the amount of time that they had been sober, and use certain periods of time as pointers to the stability of their own recovery.

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