What is the 4th edition of the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous?

soberThe book Alcoholics Anonymous, commonly referred to as the big book of AA, was first published in 1939. It established the organisation of AA by the same name, and as AA grew in size, the book became the mainstay of the organisation.

Since then, three other editions have been published, with a 4th edition being published in 2001

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Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline

soberAlcoholics Anonymous (AA) has always realised the importance of people being able to contact them quickly, and gain quick and reliable information about the time and place of meetings, as well as more general information.

Having a so-called hotline has always been an important element of AA’s ability to respond to people’s needs whenever possible.

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What is the Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer?

prayerPrayer and the nature of prayer and meditation have always been at the heart of the AA 12-step program, both in a formal and informal sense.

Whilst there are many interpretations of what terms prayer and meditation can mean, perhaps the real strength of AA lies in the phrase ‘God as we understood him’ , taken from step three, which also means that prayer and meditation can be freely interpreted in whatever way someone chooses.

There are a number of what may be called more formal prayers that are used in AA, some developed from AA tradition, and some that can be found in AA literature.

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What are the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous?

soberAlcoholics Anonymous is often referred to as a 12 step program. People often talk about the 12 steps, or one of the steps individually such as step three or step four.

The whole idea of a 12 step fellowship is quite unique to  AA and other recovery organisations, and can seem either quite confusing or a bit of a subculture.

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